

Come experience Dooly Campground. Dooly is a special place centrally situated in the heart of Georgia and in the hearts of those who visit. Our campground provides facilities to accommodate our guests attending camps, retreats and conferences as well as weddings and family reunions.


Dooly Campground has a rich history as a United Methodist camp meeting which started in 1874 in a brush arbor and soon became an annual event held under the canopy of the hand hewn timbers of the Tabernacle. From there, it expanded into a center for camps and a place for spiritual retreats

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. We pray you will discover a home at Dooly Campground as well.


At Dooly Campground, you will find a quiet place to worship, individually and corporately, and form life changing relationships in serene surroundings set-aside for devotion and fellowship. We pray your encounter with Dooly Campground will allow you to experience a place of new beginnings!

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